Small Coffin

Round-Ended Coffin

Wooden hand carved Name Plaque £25
With the writing on the willow products.
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Extra Large Coffin

Large Willow Coffin
Flat Board for Cremations
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White Round Ended Willow Coffin complete with a petal scattering or ash basket

White Willow Coffin

Buff and White Willow Coffin with sisal rope handles and hazel wood fittings

buff willow and steamed willow Coffin with a white stripe around handles with a purple fabric liner

beautifully made childs willow coffin made from buff and green willow,covered in willow dragon fairy flys
child willow coffin

beautiful adult willow coffin made with buff willow and green willow ,with a willow star nameplaque and flowers

baby oval cocoon basket
white willow homegrown dorset willow oval ended woven coffin