At Cradle to Grave Willow Coffins we are often contacted by families around the country, who are looking for a more sustainable, eco-friendly and more aesthetically pleasing alternative to a traditional wooden coffin to say goodbye to their loved ones.
Recently, we had a phone call from a greek family in London, who were nursing their 100 year old family elder. He was close to passing away and had said his goodbyes to the family, who were caring for him at home in his last days and hours.
This particular family were holding a family farewell in their beautiful garden, allowing them to hold their own personal ceremony and say their last farewells.
They had planned and organised the whole funeral all by themselves. The granddaughter had attended a 'care of the body’ course with a friend of ours and had learned everything she needed to know, so when the time came the family could give their beloved grandfather a beautiful home funeral.
A home funeral is where the family care for their loved one at home in their final days, so they can die peacefully at home in familiar surroundings, surrounded by their loving family, allowing them time and private space to come to terms with their loss.
The relative can be washed and laid to rest in a beautiful willow coffin, surrounded by flowers, scented herbs and lighted candles, while mourning takes place.
The next day, after the home funeral, the coffin is taken to the crematorium early to have a direct cremation.
This is such a wonderful thing to do, where the family have spent time with their loved one, and have already started the grieving process and acceptance that they are no longer with them.
Pictured below is the beautiful coffin we made for the grandfather, crafted from our own home grown white willow and hand dyed blue willow to honour the greek flag, as this gentleman served as a sailor in The Greek Navy.
Our beautiful hand made willow coffin for a greek gentleman, finished in hand dyed blue willow to represent the greek navy
Cradle to Grave Willow Coffins are based in Dorset, where we grow our own willow at Withysmythe Meadow. Each willow coffin is hand made- a bespoke and beautiful creation with which to say goodbye to your loved one. We make our beautiful coffins to order, so please contact us at your earliest opportunity. Have a look at some of the willow coffins we make by visiting our website. You can choose from our popular designs or ask us to make something even more personal for you. Call us on 01258 821457 or on our mobile 07919 385 854 or you can use the contact form on our site to get in touch.
At Cradle to Grave Willow Coffins we provide a bespoke and personal service, no matter what funeral arrangements you have in mind
What is a Home Funeral and what does it involve?
A home funeral is a time honoured way for families care for their loved ones after they have passed away. It allows families to engage in a more relaxed, personal, lovingly planned for and more affordable experience.
This is not a new idea. In the not too distant past, families were completely responsible for the preparation and burial of their loved ones’ bodies after passing – it was viewed as an ancient art, an honour to engage with, a supreme act of respect and compassion and a totally natural part of the grieving process.
Recently more families are exercising their right to hold a family based funeral at home.
The ritual involves family and even friends gently washing and dressing a loved one's body, laying out the body at home, naturally cooling the body and gathering together to share in grief and spend some precious moments together.
A home Funeral is a special experience for family and friends. There are some rules laid down if you would like to do this. please read our advice below…
Advice on Home Funerals
Within the first few days of the passing of your loved one you must by law engage in the following:-
Obtain a medical certificate from a General practitioner or hospital doctor in order to register the death of your loved one.
You need to register the death within five days. Then you will recive the documents you need for the funeral to take place.
Arrange your funeral. You can do this with or without the services of a funeral director.
You can choose to use a funeral director or decide to care for your loved one at home and conduct the funeral yourselves. This is called a family-led home funeral.
Funerals may be held at your home or in a place of personal connection, like a church, a village hall or community venue, or even a sports club or local hotel.
With a home funeral you are able to stay in control of the process. You may decide where and when you hold the funeral and fashion a personal ceremony, honouring the life of your loved one in your own special way.
You can also choose whether the body of the departed will be buried or cremated and may organise this process to be to your own timescale, in accordance with their wishes and beliefs.
Cath hand weaving a bespoke willow coffin available to order from Cradle to Grave Willow Coffins of Dorset